Photos: 1THE SIMPSONS: Lisa tries to impress her new Waverly Hills classmates by telling them she knows pop star Alaska Nebraska (guest voice Ellen Page), but Lisa is in for a surprise when Alaska Nebraska comes to town in the all-new “Waverly Hills 9-0-2-1-D’Oh” episode of THE SIMPSONS airing Sunday, May 3 (8:00-8:30 PM ET/PT) on FOX. THE SIMPSONS ™ and © 2009 TTCFFC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Waverly Hills, 9021-D'Oh
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THE SIMPSONS: Lisa tries to impress her new Waverly Hills classmates by telling them she knows pop star Alaska Nebraska (guest voice Ellen Page), but Lisa is in for a surprise when Alaska Nebraska comes to town in the all-new “Waverly Hills 9-0-2-1-D’Oh” episode of THE SIMPSONS airing Sunday, May 3 (8:00-8:30 PM ET/PT) on FOX. THE SIMPSONS ™ and © 2009 TTCFFC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.